Jeremiah Genin - March 5, 2023

Look To Jesus

There are things that God wants to do in us and through us, but for that to happen, we must look to Jesus. He is the reason we have access into His presence and He is the one who gives us what we need. So, we must put our trust in Him and receive from Him by faith. He knows exactly what YOU need — will you look to Him?

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Jeremiah Genin - March 5, 2023

Look To Jesus

There are things that God wants to do in us and through us, but for that to happen, we must look to Jesus. He is the reason we have access into His presence and He is the one who gives us what we need. So, we must put our trust in Him and receive from Him by faith. He knows exactly what YOU need — will you look to Him?

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More From "The Throne Room"

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Jeremiah Genin - March 5, 2023

Look To Jesus

There are things that God wants to do in us and through us, but for that to happen, we must look to Jesus. He is the reason we have access into His presence and He is the one who gives us what we need. So, we must put our trust in Him and receive from Him by faith. He knows exactly what YOU need — will you look to Him?

From Series: "The Throne Room"

God's heart and desire is to reveal Himself to His people. Let us be people who, with one heart, respond to His love and the calling to be people who spend time in His presence. Discover how we come into His presence - into the very throne room of God.

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