Message: “No Longer Weighted” from Suzie Genin


Jeremiah Genin - December 15, 2024

Jesus Is The Answer

This sermon, "Jesus Is the Answer", focuses on the truth that Jesus Christ is the ultimate solution to every problem and the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity. Pastor Jeremiah Genin explores the incarnation, explaining how Jesus—fully God and fully man—came to reconcile us to God, bringing salvation, healing, and hope. Drawing from John 1 and Genesis 3, the message highlights Jesus as the victorious King who conquered sin, death, and darkness. Believers are encouraged to surrender their lives to Him, recognizing Jesus as both their Savior and the rightful Lord of their hearts. Here are three questions this sermon answers: 1. Why is Jesus the ultimate answer to every problem we face? 2. What is the significance of Jesus being fully God and fully man? 3. How does the incarnation reveal God’s love and humility?

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