Created for Good Works


We were created for good works so we are supposed to be committed to a lifestyle of bearing the fruit of goodness. This comes out of relationship with Jesus!

A Call to Worship


Today we dove into The Call to Worship with our worship leader Micah DeWerd. God is calling us into relationship with Him. Let’s learn to identify when He is calling, and respond with a heart of true worship.

Rejoice in Your Sufferings


Paul teaches us to rejoice in our sufferings in Romans 5. This is because it produces endurance, then character, then hope. This hope manifests itself based off of the filter that we see/hear everything out of. We can align our filters with the way that God seas/talks to us by becoming transformed by the renewal of our minds.

Science and the Bible


The Bible has absolute truth and is God’s Word including how Creation happened. Creation and the flood have evidences that come from scientific facts that demonstrate this truth. Many people doubt the Bible and God because they have not been taught about science that confirms the Word of God.

Becoming One

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One of the last prayers of Jesus was for us to become one with Him and one with each other. As we grow in the love of Jesus, we experience the life He always intended for us!

It Starts With Our Love


Love is an action! God calls us to love in action, not with words or feelings. Jesus gave Himself because of His love, and we are to reflect that same kind of love. [powerpress]