In this episode, we share how we feel empowered from the Holy Spirit in the relationships we have with not only each other, but our co-workers, friends, families and others that we know God is calling us to minister to!
Empowered People
The ministry of Jesus didn’t stop when He ascended into heaven, He has empowered people to do the same works and even greater works than He did! Discover how YOU have been empowered and how God wants to see others lives transformed through you!
[CVMW] Empowered in Unity
We are called to join together in prayer. To be fueled by the same source, have the same goal, and the same approach towards God releases the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In this episode, we share the ways that we connect with God in times of waiting and share the importance of praying for one another.
Empowered in Unity
God’s presence and the power of Holy Spirit is released in an atmosphere of unity. In a divided world, it is more important than ever for the church to walk together in unity. Let us be a people and a church that moves forward in humility, obedience, and unity!
[CVMW] Empowered by The Spirit
We have the power of the Holy spirit who was sent as a helper to move in and through all of us to aid in God’s will. When a group of Christians gather to pray together as one body for the will of God to come and pass, we get to see the miraculous take place. On this episode of …
Empowered by the Spirit
When Jesus sent His Spirit, we were empowered to proclaim and demonstrate the good news. Discover how to see the power of the Holy Spirit released in your life!
[CVMW] A New Sound
This episode we focus mainly on the topic of Pentecost and the moments in our life that we have experienced the Holy Spirit moving in and through us. This is a time we get to celebrate the sending of the helper.
A New Sound
God gave us the sound of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday! How has He called you to use it?
[CVMW] The Sound of the Trumpet
We’ve been given a voice that we are empowered by God to share. Not only to display His goodness, but to be an influence to those around us and create an atmosphere of witness to an encounter with Him and a relationship for those who do not know Him to step into. This episode, we talk about those moments in …
The Sound of the Trumpet
When Jesus came to earth, He came with a specific assignment, a specific sound, and specific power. Then He made that same sound and power available to us! Discover how we have been empowered to live and resonate the sound and hope that have been given through Jesus Christ.