[CVMW] Power


God’s church is not a stagnant church or one that lacks ammunition. We have POWER! More specifically, God has power and wants to work through us to bring Him glory. This weeks episode focuses on on how we can demonstrate His will and His power even during this time of a global pandemic.



The gospel is not just a message, but a tool God gave us to release His power! God wants to display His power through each of us so all my glorify Him. Listen to this message and discover how God wants to use you to demonstrate His power.

[CVMW] When God Interrupts Your Life


On this episode, we share how the Father God is there for us even in times where we try to control life ourselves. He has a personal relationship with every single one of us and wants to be involved in every aspect of our life, even when we don’t expect it.

When God Interrupts Your Life


When God interrupts your life it will look different than your original plans! Listen to this message and be empowered to live like you were born FOR this time, not just IN this time.

[CVMW] Love Bravely


Loving people is something that we don’t necessarily associate with needing instructions for. Loving people is often an organic emotion. We find out the closer we draw to God just how many people He is asking us to love bravely. This episode we discuss innovative ways we don’t normally think of to love people God has asked us to.

Love With Bravery


Loving with bravery calls us to go beyond our comfort zone to love others. Discover some practical ways to love like Jesus.

[CVMW] God’s Not Surprised


We were all caught off guard when the pandemic hit. It’s not the first or the last time something will happen that catches us off guard, but God is NEVER Surprised. There are roles and opportunities he gives us during these times and on this episode, we share what we feel like those are in our lives.

God’s Not Surprised


God was not surprised by this pandemic, and He has prepared and empowered each of us for such a time as this. What situation or circumstance feels bigger than yourself, and how has God equipped you for it?

[CVMW] It’s Time to Arise


Being called to arise is easier said than done. We all have fears, doubts, or thoughts that can hold us back. However, we also have a God who has already overcome all of these things! On this episode of midweek, we share the strategies we personally use to combat the enemy or the doubt that can creep in when God …

It’s Time to Arise


Arise, shine your light has come! During dark times, children of God are not covered by the darkness but arise in the light of Jesus. Listen to this special message from guest speaker, Pastor Kimberly Dirmann.