The Anointing Of The Spirit


The anointing of the Holy Spirit sounds mystical, but it’s what Jesus wants for every believer! What does it look like and what does it take for us to be anointed by the Holy Spirit?

All Who Are Thirsty


When we are spiritually dry or thirsty, Jesus is extending an invitation for us to come and be filled by Him. Will we humble ourselves and stop trying to “fill” ourselves and come to Him?

[CVMW] Prepare For An Outpouring


God’s love is something we should NEVER hoard to ourselves. This seems like an easy enough instruction to follow but on this week’s episode of midweek, we share times that we’ve felt the need to hoard it and why that may be. We also share our encouragements to the infinite resource that is rivers of living water.

Prepare For An Outpouring


God wants to move in your life and to flow through you like rivers of living water. How can you prepare yourself for what God wants to do next?

[CMVW] Walk In Authority


It can be easy to forget that Jesus GAVE us authority. We are empowered to do the works of God by knowing His will, and using Jesus’ name. This episode, we share how that can be something we don’t always realize.

Walk In Authority


Jesus has given us authority in his name and as believers we must walk in that authority in the days we are in.

[CVMW] Walking With Jesus


On this episode of midweek, we talk about what it looks like to have God’s word “prune” us. We also share ways that help us consistently stay reading his word each day.