Salvation for the Whole Family


We begin our new series, “The Flourishing Family” by sharing about the heart of God to see whole families receive salvation through Jesus. Listen to the message as Pastor Jay lays the foundation as to what believers can do to invite God into this process and see our whole family saved!

Our Ultimate Father


God the Father is the best Father and wants an intimate relationship with His people. Learn from your earthly fathers. God overlooks your errors and wants a heart after His.

Intimacy With God


When we become intimate with the Lord, we not only stand in the gap, we become a pillar. We are called to know the Father, Son and Spirit deeper so we can know exactly what He is up to, and be a part of His business. Dive into this message as we explore the beauty of the trinity.

Growing From Seclusion


Jesus often secluded himself away to spend time with the Father. We highlight this fact and focus on the importance of doing the same in our lives. This allows us to come into alignment, discover our identity, operate in that identity and ultimately, adjust to what the enemy is doing.

Let Intercession Rise


A war is raging in the invisible and the Holy Spirit is calling believers and the church to rise up as warriors in intercessory prayer. Discover the power of and impact of intercessory prayer when we understand what it is about and we get about it!

Set Your Face Like Flint


When we stand in the gap in prayer for others, we have to let the might of Jesus manifest in us. He empowers us to get up time after time to contend for His promises, even after we feel defeated in the flesh. We are to hang on tight to who He is, and His promises!

Our Stance


The life of intercessory prayer in the life of the believer is undeniable, and our triumph is not of our own doing, but what Jesus made available to us on Calvary. Discover the call of intercession in your life and how we are to stand in the gap for others.

The Power of the Resurrection


God doesn’t just want us to know He is powerful, He wants us to know the power He has made available to us through the resurrection of Jesus! How is His resurrection power demonstrated in our life? What has been made available to us? Let’s discover together!

Mission & Vision Sunday


Pastors Jeremiah and Suzie Genin share the mission and vision God has set on their heart for this year. Partner with us!