Forget Not His Benefits


We trust Him, we seek Him, and it comes to pass! God doesn’t want us to just know about His benefits but contend for them.

Created for Good Works


We were created for good works so we are supposed to be committed to a lifestyle of bearing the fruit of goodness. This comes out of relationship with Jesus!

A Call to Worship


Today we dove into The Call to Worship with our worship leader Micah DeWerd. God is calling us into relationship with Him. Let’s learn to identify when He is calling, and respond with a heart of true worship.

Rejoice in Your Sufferings


Paul teaches us to rejoice in our sufferings in Romans 5. This is because it produces endurance, then character, then hope. This hope manifests itself based off of the filter that we see/hear everything out of. We can align our filters with the way that God seas/talks to us by becoming transformed by the renewal of our minds.

Science and the Bible


The Bible has absolute truth and is God’s Word including how Creation happened. Creation and the flood have evidences that come from scientific facts that demonstrate this truth. Many people doubt the Bible and God because they have not been taught about science that confirms the Word of God.

God Dwelling in Your House


God calls us to maintain and give attention to His presence in our homes! Where believers are, there is meant to be a covering and a place of protection. How do you give attention to the Lord’s Presence and covering in your home? He desires to dwell amongst and within you!

Spiritual Legacy


To take responsibility for teaching our children and families, we have to tend to our own spiritual health first. Give this message a listen and be encouraged to lead your family in the way of the Lord!

What You Can Pray


As believers we get to call on the word of God with authority and speak it out! God has given us the tools to bind the adversary, pull down strongholds, cast down arguments, and bring our thoughts into captivity to see our family come to know Jesus!

What Can You Say?


The devil knows the power of the word of God and he will do whatever it takes to get it out of our hearts. He wants to prevent us from speaking out God’s word so others don’t come to know Jesus! The Word causes us to believe, so we need to do everything we can to share the Word of …

What YOU Can Do


God doesn’t just want to save individual people, He wants whole families saved too! Listen to Pastor Jay share about seven things believers can do to help see their whole family saved and become “The Flourishing Family” God always intended them to be.