[CVMW] Acceptable Offerings


We discuss our background and understanding of tithings and offerings to the Lord. We also speak on how tithing is a part of our relationship with the Lord that we get to engage in under the new covenant.

Acceptable Offerings


God calls us to honor Him with all of our increase! He wants to provide for us and see breakthrough, so we honor Him with our first fruits. He desires this relationship with us.

[CVMW] Greater Provisions


We discuss the experiences we’ve had when the Father God has provided for us super naturally and what it means to shift our mindsets to supernatural rather than natural. 

Great Provisions


One of the covenant benefits God has given us through Jesus is His promised provision. Discover how we are to engage this promise in our lives. His resources are endless and His desire is to provide for us!

[CVMW] Loyal Love


We discuss the obstacles created by our own doubts of accepting God’s love and how difficult it can be to overcome them but we share our experiences of embracing God’s Loyal Love for us.

Loyal Love


One of the great benefits God has made available to us is His LOYAL LOVE. He doesn’t just give it… He crowns us with His unending love, relentless favor, unwavering blessing, enduring grace, and constant kindness.

[CVMW] It Belongs to You


We talk on what it’s like to have the fullness of God living on the inside of us and not just having access to his benefits. We also discuss the importance of being part of a local church body.

It Belongs to YOU


Too many believers don’t receive the covenant benefits that Jesus has paid for and made available to us. Discover what God has truly made available and how we can position ourselves to receive from Him!

[CVMW] Covenant Benefits


We discuss the benefits we discover from being in God’s covenant and how it may not fit our preference at the time but God reveals and develops his plan in us as we walk out in obedience.

Covenant Benefits


When God made covenant with Abraham He had you and me in mind! Discover the heart of God to be in covenant with us and for us to receive the promises He has made available to us.