We have received so freely, so freely we give. There is blessing to be returned in our giving, this promise is mentioned many times in scripture. Discover the gift God has for you!
[CVMW] A People Who Move In Prayer and Power
We’ve all had different experiences with prayer but God wants every single one of us to step out and walk in prayer and in POWER! On this episode of midweek, Cole and Kelsey share their experiences in their prayer life developments.
A People Who Move In Power and Prayer
God is casting a vision of who He has called us to be! There is power in our prayer, discover the power in your prayers today!
[CVMW] A People Who Do Their Part
The older we get, the more we realize that problems will not simply “go away” but that we have to take an active role in handling them. Similarly, we share on this episode of midweek how the things God has planned for us will not simply happen because “it’s His will” but that we have an active role to play.
A People Who Do Their Part
When every person does their share, God brings growth. When we give attention to the calling God has on us, we come alive in a whole new way! Discover how you can bring your part.
[CVMW] A People Who Walk In Their Calling
We all have different callings but they all are designed to bring God Glory. On this episode of midweek, we explore our callings and how they look different from one another.
A People Who Walk In Their Calling
The church body needs a reactivation! God has given us the grace and calling, discover how to press into that calling today.
[CVMW] The Father’s Loyal Love
Covenant is something that we all understand to a certain extent, but when we take the time to process what it truly means, it can evoke a lot of realizations. This week on Midweek, we explore those realizations.
The Father’s Loyal Love
Loyalty is God’s driving force behind His promises coming to pass in our lives. Discover His loyalty to keeping His promises in your life!
[CVMW] Flip The Script
“It runs in the family”. This is a term we hear often but it doesn’t have to define us. God has a plan for us that will set us apart and define how we will chose to have His promises, as a part of our families moving forward for generations to come.