Summer Connects


This summer we are introducing something new at Chapel Valley. For the months of July and August, we are having Summer Connects! We have multiple opportunities every week for us to come together to encourage one another and to have fun. We will meet in various locations, but at every location we will read the Word, journal, and discuss what the Lord is speaking to us through devos.

Here’s our Summer Connects:

Andrea: Mondays at 10:30 AM at True Coffee on Nesbitt Road.
Scott: Tuesdays at 6:30 AM at Panera Bread on Junction Road.
David: Thursdays at 7:30 PM at the Middleton Starbucks.
Abigail: Fridays at 6 PM at Barriques  on Monroe St.

With Summer Connects, you can jump from group-to-group or go to all of them in one week. We know summers are busy so we made it flexible.